We have implemented the Kick-Off Partner Meeting in between 3-7 December 2023 with the involvement of 8 participants ( 2 per partner ). During the meeting Description of Action(DoA), Grant Agreement and the Deliverables were discussed in a deepened manner and gone through in a face to face environment. It enabled us to discuss the bottlenecks and challenges that might occur during the implementation of the activities and revise the dates and make the plan in a correct manner that would be followed during overall project cycle. We have discussed about the financial practicalities and gone through one more time of the Partnership agreement and Partnership Agreement has been signed in 06.12.2023. Later on we have finalised the communication and visibility plan of the project and presented the Online Management System after agreeing on the tasks that are defined during the application and revised during the meeting with deadlines.

We have as well decided on the deadlines for the deliverables within the consortium for quality checks before uploading to the Continuous Grant Reporting Tool so that, the documentation is valid and provided timely manner for 12 month period until the meeting in Tunusia.