
Within the project, we aim to empower young people through the set of activities. During this process, the young people will implement their activities and develop local projects to address the challenges in their own communities.

The program will be implemented with 40 young people, we expect that at least 20 projects will be developed by the involved youth in the field of social entrepreneurship targeting the issues of local communication from poverty to the exclusion. During this process, we will support the young people in three stages : Kick-Off Training of Give a Chance Programme ( Aims to qualify the young people as entrepreneurs ), Virtual Module ( Aims to make young people collaborate with each other while monitoring their local projects ) and Evaluation Training of Give a Chance Programme ( Plans to develop new initiatives by the young people ).

In addition to that, we expect experienced youth workers to engage in the program as mentors to support the young people through out this process as contextual and technical manner. There will be a qualification training for the mentors to increase their skills to engage with young people while providing guiding material for the implementation of the overall programme.

Mentorship programme will be implemented in June 2024 and call will be published in May.

Give a Chance Programme

Call of the Programme will be published from this page under Calls Menu section in 2024 June.

The program is consisted of three stages :

1. Kick-Off of Give a Chance Programme

To reach out the young people, we will implement a kick-off training about the social entrepreneurship, the youth work and the social contexts consideration to implement the social entrepreneurship activities. Then the young people will develop their own projects from scratch and pitch to us during this activity. In that way, they will be able to have a first experience on pitching their ideas and developing an idea about the implementation of social entrepreneurship projects.

2. Implementation of Local Projects and Virtual Module :

We will provide seed-funding based on in-kind purchases ( the money will not be given to the participants but the goods and services will be purchased in case of need by the partner organisations ) up to 1800 EURs. During this process, the young people will include other youth from their local community to the implementation of social entrepreneurship projects which generates income in long-run while contributing to the social issues in the communities.

3. Evaluation of Give a Chance Programme

During the 20th month of the project, we will evaluate the participants experiences and understand how the process worked and what was the challenges during the overall of implementation of the activities. Thus, this project activity will give us an opportunity to see the issues and challenges within the program to implement an another such program for long-run.

Demo Days

The organisations (GEGED, Verdesur, AVWB and ASED) will implement demo days to present the ideas of the young people and engage local community more into the process. The idea of implementing this events is to find funding for the young people’s ideas and make their initiatives implemented within the project sustainable.

During the demo days, the participants involved in the project will share their projects outcomes to the business angels, the funding organisations, the local public and private organisations to engage larger audience to the activities while trying to find additional funding. The aim of the activity is to increase the sustainability of the project.

Sustain the Change

Sustain the Change Trainings will be implemented with 20 organisation representatives in each country. The aim of these trainings is to multiply the knowledge in organisation level concerning social entrepreneurship, share experience as well as increasing the visibility of Erasmus+ and other EU programs funding in partner and programme countries. We plan to present the outputs in a training of trainers format to ensure that the project results will inspire the others and will be used for the sustainability of the project activities.

The call of this activity will be published in 2025 July.